General Disinfestations

General Disinfestations

Cockroaches have been on the Earth for two hundred and fifty million years. Cockroaches are widely distributed pests that are annoying and when abundant, they are also destructive. Cockroaches destroy food, damage fabrics, book bindings and other materials. When cockroaches run over food they leave filth and may spread diseases like dysentery, diarrhoea, salmonellosis (food poisoning) and asthma.
We offer gel treatment for cockroaches and Red & Black ants. This treatment is safe, quick, effective, non messy and stress free. You don't need to empty the Kitchen cabinets and drawers and you don't even need to leave the house after the treatment.

How Gel Works

Gel has an edible product especially attractive to cockroaches. Gel has cascading effect. Once some cockroaches have eaten the gel they also contaminate other cockroaches thus producing cascading effect throughout the population of cockroaches. This leads to quick eradication. About 80% of cockroaches die in about one week. The remaining cockroaches are effectively controlled by three weeks. It takes about ½ hour to treat a flat of 2 BHK.

Spray Treatment

We also offer spray treatment for crawling insects and spiders. An insecticide barrier is made by spraying insecticide in the pathway of crawling insects and spiders.
After the treatment, leave the place undisturbed for about two hours. After two hours wipe the surfaces which have been sprayed with our insecticide, with a dry cloth only. Do not wash those surfaces for about two days. Thereby the residual effect of the insecticide will not be reduced. The cockroaches, which may not have been reached at the time of spraying the insecticide come out from their places of hiding at night. When they move over these surfaces which have been sprayed with insecticide, they die. The cockroaches, which have remained in hiding during the treatment are killed within 3-4 days after the treatment.
Do not close the windows. Contrary to popular belief, cockroaches do not die by inhaling the vapour of the insecticide. They die when they come in contact with the insecticide. Keeping the windows closed is harmful for the persons who are inside the premises at the time of treatment.